Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pink Floyd laser light show comes to Long Beach

Upon entering the Carpenter Performing Arts Center at 11 p.m. on Friday, each person received a pair of glasses that would enhance their viewing of the show. The show of course, was the Pink Floyd laser light show. 
Before the show began, Michele Roberge, the executive director of the arts center came out and said a few words; some meant more to the audience than others. The crowd applauded loudly when Roberge stated that this is the first time the audience is aloud to bring their alcoholic beverages inside of the theater.
Then the show started, and I was excited to see what this show would be like.  Would it be as good as I hoped? Unfortunately, it wasn’t. As a person would expect, there was Pink Floyd music and there was lasers, but what a person wouldn’t expect is the clips they showed of the Wizard of Oz, with the music and with the lasers. The glasses let the audience see the lasers and projections shown to be seen nine times in a three-by-three format.
            The lasers were bright and very repetitive, with the slow Pink Floyd music from his “Dark Side of the Moon” album. It was not worth the student price of $23 for the hour-long show. It was a big disappointment for me. 

*Level of intoxication may vary fun*

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